Sunday, 29 October 2017

Welcome to Week 3 in Kahikatea Hub.

Welcome to week 3.
Well done to the children who shared their favourite book last Friday. We all thoroughly enjoyed your book selling and many children were talking about heading to the library to find some new books to read. We look forward to this Friday with some new books shared.


Please ensure your child has a named school hat at school each day. It is going to be a lovely warm week, so it is important the children are managing themselves and are sun smart.

Beach Education

On Friday the children came home with a pink permission form regarding Beach Education. If you haven't yet seen it, please have a look in your child's bag. Although you have given permission at the beginning of the year for your child to attend trips, we do require extra permission for this trip as it involves water. Please send the form back to the classroom teacher as soon as possible. We also require 5 parent/caregiver helpers for each class on the trip. We really appreciate your support with our trips and hope you can join us for your child's trip.

Market Day
This Sunday is the St Albans School Market Day. If you have a stall we hope you enjoy selling all your goodies.
The wonderful PTA is working hard behind the scenes and on the day they have a number of stalls. If you have any spare time to volunteer and help out, please see one of the PTA parents at the cafe this week to offer your help.

After a very long winter our stash of tissues has completely run out. If you haven't already done so, please can you purchase a box for the class to use. We would really appreciate some.

Lucky Book Club orders are due in 31st October - TUESDAY to the office.

Have a great week and enjoy the lovely sunny weather that is forecast
Jane, Trish, Fiona, Adela and Julie

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